MT & Gravity Survey


In November 2012, SeismoTech was awarded a Gravity and Magnetotelluric survey in the Delvina Area (SW Albania), by Stream Oil & Gas Ltd. The scope of this project was to enrich with additional geophysical information the Delvina Gas field area, in order to conclude on optimum locations for well-drilling.

The Delvina Gravity and Magnetotelluric Surveys are part of a long-term integrated geophysical project (Passive Seismic Tomography, Gravity and Magnetotelluric surveys) that aims in deciphering the location and extent of the Delvina reservoir, as well as the possibility of the existence of other neighboring productive structures.

In the scope of further clarifying the Delvina productive system, a total of 388 gravity and 354 magnetotelluric measurements were acquired, covering the area of interest that was initially delineated by the Passive Seismic Tomography survey (an area of about 40km2). The field measurements acquired (gravity, MT and topographic survey) were then processed and inverted, in order to provide accurate density and resistivity models of the survey area.

The final results were jointly evaluated, in the scope of refining previous results and defining areas of interest both in terms of exploration and in terms of production, which was the major target of this survey. 






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